Music Items  |  Dance Items | Theatre Items | Literary Items | Fine Arts Items | Dry Flower Arrangement | Fresh Flower Arrangement

Music Items

Areas for the posters and Model.

  1. Artificial intelligence – Machine learning
  2. Internet of things
  3. Cyber security
  4. Data science
  5. Data mining


  1. Team size should be at most 5 participants for one poster or model
  2. The application areas for the posters will be specified 48 hours prior to the presentation
  3. The application areas for the Models will be specified 72 hours prior to the presentation
  4. The participant must prepare the poster or model in the above mentioned time.
  5. The participant has to present the prepared poster at the given time and the given venue.
  6. Presentation time will be restricted to 5-6 minutes followed by questions by the expert.

Areas for the posters and Model.

  1. Artificial intelligence – Machine learning
  2. Internet of things
  3. Cyber security
  4. Data science
  5. Data mining


  1. Team size should be at most 2 participants for one poster.
  2. Time to make the poster will be 90 minutes.
  3. The application of the areas will be specified when the participants arrive at the venue.
  4. The candidates must bring their material accordingly.
  5. The Size for the chart – 55*70 cm.
  6. The participant has to prepare their poster at the venue and has to complete poster in given time.
  1. The programming task will be given to participants in two programming languages with specified IDE-:
  • Object oriented Programming using C++ (Turbo C++)
  • Python (PyCharm)
  1. There will be separate labs for each programming language.
  2. The task will be given when the participants are seated on their systems
  3. Various problems will be given to solve in the stipulated time.
  4. Scoring will be judged on the quality of the code and the methods used by the candidate.
  5. This is an individual event.


  1. This will be an iterative competition.
  2. Various bug-ridden and unstructured codes and their correct output will be given to the participants in the stipulated time. The problem statements may contain bugs & errors, missing statements, and jumbled code.
  3. Participants must complete each program sequentially, advancing to the next program only after successfully completing the previous one.
  4. The programming task will be given to the participant in C++ programming language
  5. The task will be given when the participants are seated on their systems.
  6. Scoring will be judged on how fast a candidate executes these iterations.
  7. This is an individual event.

Problem Statements will be given to the Participants And they have to come up with the application as a solution in 48 hrs.


  1. Problem statement will be given to the participants and they have to come up with the application as a solution with detailed documentation in 48hours.
  2. Teams for this event should consist of 3 to 5 participant.
  3. Participants will be given 10 minutes for the explanation of the development stages of their application followed by 5 minutes of question-answer session.
  4. The participants will have to submit a soft copy of their developed application and entire documentation.
  5. Further details will be shared with the registered candidates.


  1. This is a team competition. A team can consist of two candidates
  2. Candidates will be given unstructured data.
  3. Candidates have to make it structured in spreadsheet format
  4. Then they have to make the data visualization in terms of graphs or charts (Histogram, Pie chart, Line graph, Bar graph, Scatter plot etc) & have to present after analyzing it.
  5. Time limit to complete whole task is 60 minutes. Followed by the presentation and question answers session.
  6. Candidates can make their notes using paper and pen.
  • Best out of waste Workshop
  • A workshop to train and educate the participants about the E-Waste. A demonstration of that how we can extract the Reusable and Recyclable material out of E-Waste and stop E-waste to go into our environment.
  • De assembling Competition


  1. The candidates will be given the useful E-waste and they have to de-assemble it.
  2. Candidates have to extract the useful material out of E-waste.
  3. Each team has to create an inventory and present its future scope.
  4. Team size has to be at most 3 participants per team.


  1. Team size will not be more than 3 participants
  2. This will be an iterative completion
  3. Teams that complete initial stage will be eligible for next stage.
  4. In every stage teams will be given hard copy of a cipher text in encrypted form, teams have to decrypt the texts to clear the stages
  5. First team to clear all the stages will be the winner

Dance Items

Areas for the posters and Model.

  1. Artificial intelligence – Machine learning
  2. Internet of things
  3. Cyber security
  4. Data science
  5. Data mining


  1. Team size should be at most 5 participants for one poster or model
  2. The application areas for the posters will be specified 48 hours prior to the presentation
  3. The application areas for the Models will be specified 72 hours prior to the presentation
  4. The participant must prepare the poster or model in the above mentioned time.
  5. The participant has to present the prepared poster at the given time and the given venue.
  6. Presentation time will be restricted to 5-6 minutes followed by questions by the expert.

Areas for the posters and Model.

  1. Artificial intelligence – Machine learning
  2. Internet of things
  3. Cyber security
  4. Data science
  5. Data mining


  1. Team size should be at most 2 participants for one poster.
  2. Time to make the poster will be 90 minutes.
  3. The application of the areas will be specified when the participants arrive at the venue.
  4. The candidates must bring their material accordingly.
  5. The Size for the chart – 55*70 cm.
  6. The participant has to prepare their poster at the venue and has to complete poster in given time.
  1. The programming task will be given to participants in two programming languages with specified IDE-:
  • Object oriented Programming using C++ (Turbo C++)
  • Python (PyCharm)
  1. There will be separate labs for each programming language.
  2. The task will be given when the participants are seated on their systems
  3. Various problems will be given to solve in the stipulated time.
  4. Scoring will be judged on the quality of the code and the methods used by the candidate.
  5. This is an individual event.


  1. This will be an iterative competition.
  2. Various bug-ridden and unstructured codes and their correct output will be given to the participants in the stipulated time. The problem statements may contain bugs & errors, missing statements, and jumbled code.
  3. Participants must complete each program sequentially, advancing to the next program only after successfully completing the previous one.
  4. The programming task will be given to the participant in C++ programming language
  5. The task will be given when the participants are seated on their systems.
  6. Scoring will be judged on how fast a candidate executes these iterations.
  7. This is an individual event.

Problem Statements will be given to the Participants And they have to come up with the application as a solution in 48 hrs.


  1. Problem statement will be given to the participants and they have to come up with the application as a solution with detailed documentation in 48hours.
  2. Teams for this event should consist of 3 to 5 participant.
  3. Participants will be given 10 minutes for the explanation of the development stages of their application followed by 5 minutes of question-answer session.
  4. The participants will have to submit a soft copy of their developed application and entire documentation.
  5. Further details will be shared with the registered candidates.


  1. This is a team competition. A team can consist of two candidates
  2. Candidates will be given unstructured data.
  3. Candidates have to make it structured in spreadsheet format
  4. Then they have to make the data visualization in terms of graphs or charts (Histogram, Pie chart, Line graph, Bar graph, Scatter plot etc) & have to present after analyzing it.
  5. Time limit to complete whole task is 60 minutes. Followed by the presentation and question answers session.
  6. Candidates can make their notes using paper and pen.
  • Best out of waste Workshop
  • A workshop to train and educate the participants about the E-Waste. A demonstration of that how we can extract the Reusable and Recyclable material out of E-Waste and stop E-waste to go into our environment.
  • De assembling Competition


  1. The candidates will be given the useful E-waste and they have to de-assemble it.
  2. Candidates have to extract the useful material out of E-waste.
  3. Each team has to create an inventory and present its future scope.
  4. Team size has to be at most 3 participants per team.


  1. Team size will not be more than 3 participants
  2. This will be an iterative completion
  3. Teams that complete initial stage will be eligible for next stage.
  4. In every stage teams will be given hard copy of a cipher text in encrypted form, teams have to decrypt the texts to clear the stages
  5. First team to clear all the stages will be the winner

Theatre Items

Areas for the posters and Model.

  1. Artificial intelligence – Machine learning
  2. Internet of things
  3. Cyber security
  4. Data science
  5. Data mining


  1. Team size should be at most 5 participants for one poster or model
  2. The application areas for the posters will be specified 48 hours prior to the presentation
  3. The application areas for the Models will be specified 72 hours prior to the presentation
  4. The participant must prepare the poster or model in the above mentioned time.
  5. The participant has to present the prepared poster at the given time and the given venue.
  6. Presentation time will be restricted to 5-6 minutes followed by questions by the expert.

Areas for the posters and Model.

  1. Artificial intelligence – Machine learning
  2. Internet of things
  3. Cyber security
  4. Data science
  5. Data mining


  1. Team size should be at most 2 participants for one poster.
  2. Time to make the poster will be 90 minutes.
  3. The application of the areas will be specified when the participants arrive at the venue.
  4. The candidates must bring their material accordingly.
  5. The Size for the chart – 55*70 cm.
  6. The participant has to prepare their poster at the venue and has to complete poster in given time.
  1. The programming task will be given to participants in two programming languages with specified IDE-:
  • Object oriented Programming using C++ (Turbo C++)
  • Python (PyCharm)
  1. There will be separate labs for each programming language.
  2. The task will be given when the participants are seated on their systems
  3. Various problems will be given to solve in the stipulated time.
  4. Scoring will be judged on the quality of the code and the methods used by the candidate.
  5. This is an individual event.


  1. This will be an iterative competition.
  2. Various bug-ridden and unstructured codes and their correct output will be given to the participants in the stipulated time. The problem statements may contain bugs & errors, missing statements, and jumbled code.
  3. Participants must complete each program sequentially, advancing to the next program only after successfully completing the previous one.
  4. The programming task will be given to the participant in C++ programming language
  5. The task will be given when the participants are seated on their systems.
  6. Scoring will be judged on how fast a candidate executes these iterations.
  7. This is an individual event.

Problem Statements will be given to the Participants And they have to come up with the application as a solution in 48 hrs.


  1. Problem statement will be given to the participants and they have to come up with the application as a solution with detailed documentation in 48hours.
  2. Teams for this event should consist of 3 to 5 participant.
  3. Participants will be given 10 minutes for the explanation of the development stages of their application followed by 5 minutes of question-answer session.
  4. The participants will have to submit a soft copy of their developed application and entire documentation.
  5. Further details will be shared with the registered candidates.


  1. This is a team competition. A team can consist of two candidates
  2. Candidates will be given unstructured data.
  3. Candidates have to make it structured in spreadsheet format
  4. Then they have to make the data visualization in terms of graphs or charts (Histogram, Pie chart, Line graph, Bar graph, Scatter plot etc) & have to present after analyzing it.
  5. Time limit to complete whole task is 60 minutes. Followed by the presentation and question answers session.
  6. Candidates can make their notes using paper and pen.
  • Best out of waste Workshop
  • A workshop to train and educate the participants about the E-Waste. A demonstration of that how we can extract the Reusable and Recyclable material out of E-Waste and stop E-waste to go into our environment.
  • De assembling Competition


  1. The candidates will be given the useful E-waste and they have to de-assemble it.
  2. Candidates have to extract the useful material out of E-waste.
  3. Each team has to create an inventory and present its future scope.
  4. Team size has to be at most 3 participants per team.


  1. Team size will not be more than 3 participants
  2. This will be an iterative completion
  3. Teams that complete initial stage will be eligible for next stage.
  4. In every stage teams will be given hard copy of a cipher text in encrypted form, teams have to decrypt the texts to clear the stages
  5. First team to clear all the stages will be the winner

Literary Items

Areas for the posters and Model.

  1. Artificial intelligence – Machine learning
  2. Internet of things
  3. Cyber security
  4. Data science
  5. Data mining


  1. Team size should be at most 5 participants for one poster or model
  2. The application areas for the posters will be specified 48 hours prior to the presentation
  3. The application areas for the Models will be specified 72 hours prior to the presentation
  4. The participant must prepare the poster or model in the above mentioned time.
  5. The participant has to present the prepared poster at the given time and the given venue.
  6. Presentation time will be restricted to 5-6 minutes followed by questions by the expert.

Areas for the posters and Model.

  1. Artificial intelligence – Machine learning
  2. Internet of things
  3. Cyber security
  4. Data science
  5. Data mining


  1. Team size should be at most 2 participants for one poster.
  2. Time to make the poster will be 90 minutes.
  3. The application of the areas will be specified when the participants arrive at the venue.
  4. The candidates must bring their material accordingly.
  5. The Size for the chart – 55*70 cm.
  6. The participant has to prepare their poster at the venue and has to complete poster in given time.
  1. The programming task will be given to participants in two programming languages with specified IDE-:
  • Object oriented Programming using C++ (Turbo C++)
  • Python (PyCharm)
  1. There will be separate labs for each programming language.
  2. The task will be given when the participants are seated on their systems
  3. Various problems will be given to solve in the stipulated time.
  4. Scoring will be judged on the quality of the code and the methods used by the candidate.
  5. This is an individual event.


  1. This will be an iterative competition.
  2. Various bug-ridden and unstructured codes and their correct output will be given to the participants in the stipulated time. The problem statements may contain bugs & errors, missing statements, and jumbled code.
  3. Participants must complete each program sequentially, advancing to the next program only after successfully completing the previous one.
  4. The programming task will be given to the participant in C++ programming language
  5. The task will be given when the participants are seated on their systems.
  6. Scoring will be judged on how fast a candidate executes these iterations.
  7. This is an individual event.

Problem Statements will be given to the Participants And they have to come up with the application as a solution in 48 hrs.


  1. Problem statement will be given to the participants and they have to come up with the application as a solution with detailed documentation in 48hours.
  2. Teams for this event should consist of 3 to 5 participant.
  3. Participants will be given 10 minutes for the explanation of the development stages of their application followed by 5 minutes of question-answer session.
  4. The participants will have to submit a soft copy of their developed application and entire documentation.
  5. Further details will be shared with the registered candidates.


  1. This is a team competition. A team can consist of two candidates
  2. Candidates will be given unstructured data.
  3. Candidates have to make it structured in spreadsheet format
  4. Then they have to make the data visualization in terms of graphs or charts (Histogram, Pie chart, Line graph, Bar graph, Scatter plot etc) & have to present after analyzing it.
  5. Time limit to complete whole task is 60 minutes. Followed by the presentation and question answers session.
  6. Candidates can make their notes using paper and pen.
  • Best out of waste Workshop
  • A workshop to train and educate the participants about the E-Waste. A demonstration of that how we can extract the Reusable and Recyclable material out of E-Waste and stop E-waste to go into our environment.
  • De assembling Competition


  1. The candidates will be given the useful E-waste and they have to de-assemble it.
  2. Candidates have to extract the useful material out of E-waste.
  3. Each team has to create an inventory and present its future scope.
  4. Team size has to be at most 3 participants per team.


  1. Team size will not be more than 3 participants
  2. This will be an iterative completion
  3. Teams that complete initial stage will be eligible for next stage.
  4. In every stage teams will be given hard copy of a cipher text in encrypted form, teams have to decrypt the texts to clear the stages
  5. First team to clear all the stages will be the winner

Fine Arts Items

Areas for the posters and Model.

  1. Artificial intelligence – Machine learning
  2. Internet of things
  3. Cyber security
  4. Data science
  5. Data mining


  1. Team size should be at most 5 participants for one poster or model
  2. The application areas for the posters will be specified 48 hours prior to the presentation
  3. The application areas for the Models will be specified 72 hours prior to the presentation
  4. The participant must prepare the poster or model in the above mentioned time.
  5. The participant has to present the prepared poster at the given time and the given venue.
  6. Presentation time will be restricted to 5-6 minutes followed by questions by the expert.

Areas for the posters and Model.

  1. Artificial intelligence – Machine learning
  2. Internet of things
  3. Cyber security
  4. Data science
  5. Data mining


  1. Team size should be at most 2 participants for one poster.
  2. Time to make the poster will be 90 minutes.
  3. The application of the areas will be specified when the participants arrive at the venue.
  4. The candidates must bring their material accordingly.
  5. The Size for the chart – 55*70 cm.
  6. The participant has to prepare their poster at the venue and has to complete poster in given time.
  1. The programming task will be given to participants in two programming languages with specified IDE-:
  • Object oriented Programming using C++ (Turbo C++)
  • Python (PyCharm)
  1. There will be separate labs for each programming language.
  2. The task will be given when the participants are seated on their systems
  3. Various problems will be given to solve in the stipulated time.
  4. Scoring will be judged on the quality of the code and the methods used by the candidate.
  5. This is an individual event.


  1. This will be an iterative competition.
  2. Various bug-ridden and unstructured codes and their correct output will be given to the participants in the stipulated time. The problem statements may contain bugs & errors, missing statements, and jumbled code.
  3. Participants must complete each program sequentially, advancing to the next program only after successfully completing the previous one.
  4. The programming task will be given to the participant in C++ programming language
  5. The task will be given when the participants are seated on their systems.
  6. Scoring will be judged on how fast a candidate executes these iterations.
  7. This is an individual event.

Problem Statements will be given to the Participants And they have to come up with the application as a solution in 48 hrs.


  1. Problem statement will be given to the participants and they have to come up with the application as a solution with detailed documentation in 48hours.
  2. Teams for this event should consist of 3 to 5 participant.
  3. Participants will be given 10 minutes for the explanation of the development stages of their application followed by 5 minutes of question-answer session.
  4. The participants will have to submit a soft copy of their developed application and entire documentation.
  5. Further details will be shared with the registered candidates.


  1. This is a team competition. A team can consist of two candidates
  2. Candidates will be given unstructured data.
  3. Candidates have to make it structured in spreadsheet format
  4. Then they have to make the data visualization in terms of graphs or charts (Histogram, Pie chart, Line graph, Bar graph, Scatter plot etc) & have to present after analyzing it.
  5. Time limit to complete whole task is 60 minutes. Followed by the presentation and question answers session.
  6. Candidates can make their notes using paper and pen.
  • Best out of waste Workshop
  • A workshop to train and educate the participants about the E-Waste. A demonstration of that how we can extract the Reusable and Recyclable material out of E-Waste and stop E-waste to go into our environment.
  • De assembling Competition


  1. The candidates will be given the useful E-waste and they have to de-assemble it.
  2. Candidates have to extract the useful material out of E-waste.
  3. Each team has to create an inventory and present its future scope.
  4. Team size has to be at most 3 participants per team.


  1. Team size will not be more than 3 participants
  2. This will be an iterative completion
  3. Teams that complete initial stage will be eligible for next stage.
  4. In every stage teams will be given hard copy of a cipher text in encrypted form, teams have to decrypt the texts to clear the stages
  5. First team to clear all the stages will be the winner

Dry Flower Arrangement

Areas for the posters and Model.

  1. Artificial intelligence – Machine learning
  2. Internet of things
  3. Cyber security
  4. Data science
  5. Data mining


  1. Team size should be at most 5 participants for one poster or model
  2. The application areas for the posters will be specified 48 hours prior to the presentation
  3. The application areas for the Models will be specified 72 hours prior to the presentation
  4. The participant must prepare the poster or model in the above mentioned time.
  5. The participant has to present the prepared poster at the given time and the given venue.
  6. Presentation time will be restricted to 5-6 minutes followed by questions by the expert.

Areas for the posters and Model.

  1. Artificial intelligence – Machine learning
  2. Internet of things
  3. Cyber security
  4. Data science
  5. Data mining


  1. Team size should be at most 2 participants for one poster.
  2. Time to make the poster will be 90 minutes.
  3. The application of the areas will be specified when the participants arrive at the venue.
  4. The candidates must bring their material accordingly.
  5. The Size for the chart – 55*70 cm.
  6. The participant has to prepare their poster at the venue and has to complete poster in given time.
  1. The programming task will be given to participants in two programming languages with specified IDE-:
  • Object oriented Programming using C++ (Turbo C++)
  • Python (PyCharm)
  1. There will be separate labs for each programming language.
  2. The task will be given when the participants are seated on their systems
  3. Various problems will be given to solve in the stipulated time.
  4. Scoring will be judged on the quality of the code and the methods used by the candidate.
  5. This is an individual event.


  1. This will be an iterative competition.
  2. Various bug-ridden and unstructured codes and their correct output will be given to the participants in the stipulated time. The problem statements may contain bugs & errors, missing statements, and jumbled code.
  3. Participants must complete each program sequentially, advancing to the next program only after successfully completing the previous one.
  4. The programming task will be given to the participant in C++ programming language
  5. The task will be given when the participants are seated on their systems.
  6. Scoring will be judged on how fast a candidate executes these iterations.
  7. This is an individual event.

Problem Statements will be given to the Participants And they have to come up with the application as a solution in 48 hrs.


  1. Problem statement will be given to the participants and they have to come up with the application as a solution with detailed documentation in 48hours.
  2. Teams for this event should consist of 3 to 5 participant.
  3. Participants will be given 10 minutes for the explanation of the development stages of their application followed by 5 minutes of question-answer session.
  4. The participants will have to submit a soft copy of their developed application and entire documentation.
  5. Further details will be shared with the registered candidates.


  1. This is a team competition. A team can consist of two candidates
  2. Candidates will be given unstructured data.
  3. Candidates have to make it structured in spreadsheet format
  4. Then they have to make the data visualization in terms of graphs or charts (Histogram, Pie chart, Line graph, Bar graph, Scatter plot etc) & have to present after analyzing it.
  5. Time limit to complete whole task is 60 minutes. Followed by the presentation and question answers session.
  6. Candidates can make their notes using paper and pen.
  • Best out of waste Workshop
  • A workshop to train and educate the participants about the E-Waste. A demonstration of that how we can extract the Reusable and Recyclable material out of E-Waste and stop E-waste to go into our environment.
  • De assembling Competition


  1. The candidates will be given the useful E-waste and they have to de-assemble it.
  2. Candidates have to extract the useful material out of E-waste.
  3. Each team has to create an inventory and present its future scope.
  4. Team size has to be at most 3 participants per team.


  1. Team size will not be more than 3 participants
  2. This will be an iterative completion
  3. Teams that complete initial stage will be eligible for next stage.
  4. In every stage teams will be given hard copy of a cipher text in encrypted form, teams have to decrypt the texts to clear the stages
  5. First team to clear all the stages will be the winner

Fresh Flower Arrangement

Areas for the posters and Model.

  1. Artificial intelligence – Machine learning
  2. Internet of things
  3. Cyber security
  4. Data science
  5. Data mining


  1. Team size should be at most 5 participants for one poster or model
  2. The application areas for the posters will be specified 48 hours prior to the presentation
  3. The application areas for the Models will be specified 72 hours prior to the presentation
  4. The participant must prepare the poster or model in the above mentioned time.
  5. The participant has to present the prepared poster at the given time and the given venue.
  6. Presentation time will be restricted to 5-6 minutes followed by questions by the expert.

Areas for the posters and Model.

  1. Artificial intelligence – Machine learning
  2. Internet of things
  3. Cyber security
  4. Data science
  5. Data mining


  1. Team size should be at most 2 participants for one poster.
  2. Time to make the poster will be 90 minutes.
  3. The application of the areas will be specified when the participants arrive at the venue.
  4. The candidates must bring their material accordingly.
  5. The Size for the chart – 55*70 cm.
  6. The participant has to prepare their poster at the venue and has to complete poster in given time.
  1. The programming task will be given to participants in two programming languages with specified IDE-:
  • Object oriented Programming using C++ (Turbo C++)
  • Python (PyCharm)
  1. There will be separate labs for each programming language.
  2. The task will be given when the participants are seated on their systems
  3. Various problems will be given to solve in the stipulated time.
  4. Scoring will be judged on the quality of the code and the methods used by the candidate.
  5. This is an individual event.


  1. This will be an iterative competition.
  2. Various bug-ridden and unstructured codes and their correct output will be given to the participants in the stipulated time. The problem statements may contain bugs & errors, missing statements, and jumbled code.
  3. Participants must complete each program sequentially, advancing to the next program only after successfully completing the previous one.
  4. The programming task will be given to the participant in C++ programming language
  5. The task will be given when the participants are seated on their systems.
  6. Scoring will be judged on how fast a candidate executes these iterations.
  7. This is an individual event.

Problem Statements will be given to the Participants And they have to come up with the application as a solution in 48 hrs.


  1. Problem statement will be given to the participants and they have to come up with the application as a solution with detailed documentation in 48hours.
  2. Teams for this event should consist of 3 to 5 participant.
  3. Participants will be given 10 minutes for the explanation of the development stages of their application followed by 5 minutes of question-answer session.
  4. The participants will have to submit a soft copy of their developed application and entire documentation.
  5. Further details will be shared with the registered candidates.


  1. This is a team competition. A team can consist of two candidates
  2. Candidates will be given unstructured data.
  3. Candidates have to make it structured in spreadsheet format
  4. Then they have to make the data visualization in terms of graphs or charts (Histogram, Pie chart, Line graph, Bar graph, Scatter plot etc) & have to present after analyzing it.
  5. Time limit to complete whole task is 60 minutes. Followed by the presentation and question answers session.
  6. Candidates can make their notes using paper and pen.
  • Best out of waste Workshop
  • A workshop to train and educate the participants about the E-Waste. A demonstration of that how we can extract the Reusable and Recyclable material out of E-Waste and stop E-waste to go into our environment.
  • De assembling Competition


  1. The candidates will be given the useful E-waste and they have to de-assemble it.
  2. Candidates have to extract the useful material out of E-waste.
  3. Each team has to create an inventory and present its future scope.
  4. Team size has to be at most 3 participants per team.


  1. Team size will not be more than 3 participants
  2. This will be an iterative completion
  3. Teams that complete initial stage will be eligible for next stage.
  4. In every stage teams will be given hard copy of a cipher text in encrypted form, teams have to decrypt the texts to clear the stages
  5. First team to clear all the stages will be the winner

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